Friend Favorites Part III

The favorites my friends are all talking about.

Yes, it’s our first all-male edition of friend favorites, where I asked my guy friends what items they are using, snacks they are eating, what they are wearing, and so much more. Whether it be my girl friends or my guy friends, I feel like there is always something to learn. Who knew that I needed some kale chips and a Dyson hair dryer stat!? One of the many reasons I love asking my friends for recommendations is because they all have such diverse perspectives and viewpoints. I walk away learning so much and feeling motivated to give something new a try! Here are the latest friend recommendations- get your wallets ready!

Ivan (left), Justin (center), Hayoung (right)


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Ivan: Crispy kale chips 12/10, perfect balance between healthy, and crispy that you get from wanting to munch on something.

Justin: Frozen Mango. Perfect summer snack, cold and soft, yet firm consistency.

Hayoung: I don’t snack much, but chocolate covered pretzels, I have a HUGE sweet tooth.

Bathroom Product

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Ivan: Differin Acne Treatment Gel, it’s my hidden secret that I use to spot treat wrinkles, and small pimples!

Justin: Unseen Sunscreen by Supergoop. A daily essential and you never feel like you’re wearing sunscreen. 

Hayoung: My Dyson hair dryer, it dries my hair in like 15 seconds… it’s incredible.

Favorite Clothing Item

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Ivan: I am super eager to start traveling again, and nothing says beach side vacation like a pair of Havaianas.

Justin: Lululemon shorts, “The short.” Its just a must for working from home. 

Hayoung: My brown leather loafers from To Boot New York, it’s my go-to when I’m going out to dinner.

Show or Movie

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Ivan:Broad City” is the right balance between chaotic and borderline weird that I crave in a TV show.

Justin: Forget a movie or show – online classes on “EdX”

Hayoung: “How I Met Your Mother”, I think it’s the perfect show (except for the ending).


Hobby or Activity

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Ivan: Never underestimate the power of a good walk! I usually listen to Gary Vee’s coffee chats on YouTube, and it’s cool to listen to him while being outside and enjoying the weather.

Justin: Cycling! It’s important to get sun and fresh air, you can cover great distances and it’s great for socializing.

Hayoung: Getting a great meal with my friends, vibes are so good before, during, and after.

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