Friend Favorites Part VIII

The favorites my friends are all talking about.

If there is one thing I think is worth collecting, it’s friends. I love thinking about every person that I have ever met and how our lives will forever be intersected. We will have memories, and stories, and experiences that no one can take away from us. That is something quite special. If there is one thing that I have learned from writing this blog, it’s how much I value and am in awe of my friends. They inspire me to dream bigger, do better, and be my very best. That got deep quick! On a lighter note, here are three of my friends and all of the fun things they are loving lately. Enjoy!

Olivia (right), Egem (center), Hashmita (left)


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Olivia: As of now, my favorite thing to snack on is anything beets! I’ve been putting them in all my salads, making hummus with them and they’re my side dishes to every meal. I think they’re beautiful and I love how sweet they are. 

Egem: Trader Joe’s Elote Corn Chip Dippers. Not to be dramatic, but I would die for these chips. They’re super good alone because of the seasoning and even better dipped into anything (which for me is usually hummus). 

Hashmita: Biscoff– it’s the perfect snack with my daily coffee.

Beauty Product

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Olivia: Since high school i have been in love with anything Glossier. My favorite product of theirs is their liquid Futuredew highlighter, I’m not a huge makeup person but glitter is always something I add. 

Egem: Drunk Elephant’s Lala Retro Whipped Cream. I’m obsessed with this product. It’s a moisturizer that is super light and actually feels refreshing for hours, so a little goes a long way; I find that it is very similar to Tatcha’s Water Cream. 

Hashmita: Mac amplified lipstick in smoked almond. It’s the perfect shade for my skin tone!

Favorite Clothing Item

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Olivia: It’s been much warmer in Washington, D.C. and sundresses have my heart! I love that they’re so simple of an outfit and yet look put together, and they are perfect for the summer. I thrift all of my sundresses too so they’re always unique. 

Egem: Chunky vintage belts. I’ve been wearing a ton of slip dresses and sundresses lately, and I think an oversized belt really helps add a silhouette and make the outfit more interesting. I also think it goes well with the chunky/mismatched trend that’s happening right now with La Manso rings and “candy” jewelry  from the likes of Wald Berlin, Brinker & Eliza, Martha Calvo, etc.

Hashmita: A pair of comfy shorts. Working from home is a lot more easy in a comfortable pair of shorts. It’s also the perfect clothing item to beat the heat. 

Show or Movie

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Olivia: I absolutely love the show VEEP! It’s a show I have rewatched countless times. I enjoy funny TV shows more than any other TV and Juila Louis Dreyfus is always fantastic. 

Egem: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Sometimes, I just want to turn my brain off and watch someone worry about whether their Prada bag matches their socks for an hour. RHOBH is great mindless television, and watching it with a group of friends makes it especially fun. 

Hashmita: Lucifer. It’s has the perfect mix of crime, romance and Lucifer is easy on the eyes 

Hobby or Activity

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Olivia: My favorite hobby is playing my ukulele. I picked it up a few years ago and have self taught myself quite a few songs. I love practicing new songs and ways of playing or strumming so it’s a hobby I can’t ever get enough of!

Egem:  Disposable Photography. I recently got a pack of disposable cameras from Amazon, and have been having a great time going around in NYC with friends and documenting everything. I like that, unlike a heavier camera, I can just whip this one out and take pictures that happen in the moment!

Hashmita: Playing card games with my family, especially UNO. With the current lockdown and everyone being stuck at home it’s the perfect way to pass time.

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